Welcome back to a new episode of me engaging with a blog software.
Nicer things first. I never had an Instagram account, but I wanted to setup some publish and subscribe possibility for photos I made and photos I want to make. Why not call it insta.slow-computing.com?
I also stumbled across @dansup and his work Pixelfed, which I have not checked out but plan to do so. I will test-drive an installation on a cheap server over a slow-computing sub-domain (… one between pixl./photos./pics./insta.slow-computing.com).
Of course, a content policy, a server list, the initial rules for shared governance would need to be spelled out rather soon. Thankfully, there are fediverse administrators out there who spent a fair amount of time on working with some of the edge cases I would consider important, thus allowing for more easy navigation through the minefield spread out when only following good intentions.
Challenge: Handing out namespaces while supporting open and federated identities
To the point of handing out namespaces, one issues and two projects related to this general challenge of having an open and decentralize identification and authorization services, driven by public and sustainability-/justice-/equitable values societal, is of course closely related to creating and developing a model for operations it. The two projects associated with that issue are TBL’s solid-pod’s and the libregraph project (and all similar ones), working on serving endpoints for your favourite app, resp. open identity client (OIDC’s, e.g. dmx-oidc, see also OpenID).
The Matt-Mullenweg-Saga
Here are some sources delivering perspectives and more sources describing what happened to the CEO of Automattic, effectively acting as the emperor of the wordpress ecosystem:
- The Mullenweg/WPE Thing · GitHub (Started on Sep 27, 2025)
- What drama should I create in 2025? (self.WPDrama) (Dec 24, 2024)
- Mullenweg Shuts Down WordPress Sustainability Team, Igniting Backlash (Jan 10, 2025)
- A Model for WordPress Accessibility (Originally posted May 27, 2019)
Therefore, I guess, I am not alone when considering to begin a new FLOSS-based setup of web services, isn’t it a great time to ditch WordPress? Let me know what you think of GHOST for simple web publishing. But what are possible candidates for replacing WooCommerce? Shopify, of course, is not an option. I have already operated four woo-commerce shops and until recently the plan was to continue doing so.
Musical paragraph
I am still loving bandcamp.com daily shows and I just listened through the Hip-Hop show linked on their front page. Also, of course, how they have integrated design and artworks into their web-based player. My API key for bandcamp.com is still working. I just checked it. Despite Epic games acquiring the service in 2022. Meanwhile they sold it to a company whose name I can’t pronounce.
Manifesto of a slow-computing service
- Value-laden/Sustainability-oriented/Progressive mindset
- Contributes to a socio-ecological transformation of economies and global society
- Maintainable and/or replaceable
- Science-driven, enabling relevant research and development
- No, thank you, existing ad-networks
- Help people to fund their lives and enable work on what people love (which includes to enable users to post commercials/ads for what they do)
- Service must be nice to look at (aesthetics, designed) and effective in use (timesaving)
Oh, yes!
Welcome back to this blog! Let me know what you think. Should I launch a pixelfed instance at insta.slow-computing.com? If you like what you read, please consider to subscribe.