In dieser kleinen Früstückspause wollte ich euch einfach mal einen Einblick in mein sog. “persönliches Informations-Management” geben, eventuell findet ihr dies ja hilfreich um diese freie Software DM 4 selbst einzusetzen. Angefangen damit akribische Notizen digital zu machen habe ich zuletzt aus der Motivation heraus vielleicht doch mal eine wissenschaftliche Arbeit zu schreiben. Für meine […]
Building a micro-service for custom queries to wikidata
This vital left-over has actually become a three course menu now for which developers and users alike are asked to take a bit of time and hopefully enjoy this info. From my #wikidata engagement a “data transformer” has emerged allowing me to think about guiding a data expedition for people interesting in learning more about […]
Search and visualize wikidata with the Wikidata Topicmaps UI (“WTUI”)
For this three course menu i took notes on how to search and visualize current items in #wikidata through the Wikidata Topicmaps UI. You’ll find out how to compose personal views after querying this open data-set in your language of choice and store these views as interactive presentations you can pull of, for example, in […]